Board of Directors

Dan Ramirez
Board Member
Dan Ramirez is the District Manager for Child Welfare and Self-Sufficiency in Eastern Oregon for the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS). He joined Valley Family Health Care’s Board of Directors in 2021.
Formerly, he was Executive Director for the Idaho Hispanic Commission on Hispanic Affairs. He was appointed by Governor Batt as the first Latino to the Governor’s Cabinet. He also interned for U.S. Senator Larry Craig in Washington D.C. and was a radio host of La Hora Latina at Boise State University in his earlier days.
Dan has served on several different boards over the course of his lifetime. Some of those include the Former Chair of the local FEMA board (Malheur County), Former Commissioner (State of Idaho) to the National & Community Service – AMIRICORPS, and he served on both the Editorial Board of the Idaho Press-Tribune and Idaho Statesman.
Dan was also the first recipient in the state of Idaho of the Prestigious OHTLI award. OHTLI is an honor the Mexican Government gives to Mexican citizens who work in the United States and other countries and who have given assistance to Mexican citizens or promoted their culture. Dan is also a former fellow of the Minority Leadership Fellowship Program in Washington D.C.
His comprehensive knowledge of the Latino Community gained through his role as State Assistant to U.S. Senator Dirk Kempthorne provides a broader perspective to our migrant seasonal farmworker population. Dan was a former migrant worker himself, which just adds to his outlook.